
Data thinking as the core
Using the value of data to create product innovation,determine the attractiveness of the product
Get customers hooked
Use the power of innovation and change, constantly bring consumers satisfaction and surprise
Pay attention to society
Implement public welfare with a grateful heart, give back to the weak
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針對綠色營運方面,除了將「節水、節電」、 「廢棄物減量」及「減少碳排量」列為發展主軸外,2020 年起即在辦公室推展愛護地球的系列活動,其中積極推行「無紙化政策」透過 BPM 系統進行線上簽核作業,讓用紙量逐漸減少,以達到珍惜資源的目標。


遴選合作物流廠商的時候,便將環境保護列為主要之評選要點。除了考量倉儲及運送等基本作業方式外,也將電子簽收系統及自動化之集運方式,列入評估項目,希望可以透過減少運送趟次以減少產品碳足跡之碳排放,於資訊流方面,亦可藉由 E 化系統的作業方式,大量減少紙張的使用,未來我們希望可以持續與物流商建立緊密之合作關係,以達到軒郁國際對於落實綠色產品之期望。



4 years

Passed SGS Quality Enterprise Evaluation certification for 4 consecutive years

57 %

Female directors occupy 57% of the board of directors

90 thousand people

Brand e-commerce members more than 900,000 people, the products are sold and promoted to 15 countries

Integrity Governance

We will fulfill our social responsibility to our shareholders and stakeholders, based on the basic principles of accountability, transparency and sustainability.

26.5 %

26.50% of office procurement items meet the definition of green procurement

100 %

134 raw material suppliers were evaluated and audited, with an audit percentage of 100%

38.7 %

paper consumption saved by 38.7%

Environmental sustainability

Fulfill our commitment to climate change, not only implemented in the reduction of office energy resources, but also promoted to the environmental protection and plastic reduction of product packaging materials.

1.5 times

Provide colleagues with a starting salary of 1.5 times ,which is higher than the Labor Law

1 million

Donated TWD$1million to assist the disaster relief of the Taroko Express accident

565 copies

Subscribed the “Sunshine Foundation” charity calendar for 3 consecutive years, with a total of 565 copies

Social harmony

We regard our employees as our most important assets and create a healthy competitive workplace environment with professional cultivation and good welfare. We also advocate the concept of "respecting life", regard caring for society and promoting public welfare as our duty.


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